Straight Router Bits

Router bits are a critical component of any woodworking project. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each designed to perform a specific task. One of the most common types of router bits is the straight router bit. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about straight router bits, including their uses, types, materials, and maintenance.Straight Router Bits

What are Straight Router Bits?

Straight router bits are the most common type of router bit. They are used to cut straight lines or grooves in wood or other materials. Straight router bits can have a variety of cutting edges, including single or double flutes. Single-fluted router bits are used for general purpose cutting, while double-fluted router bits are used for more precise and delicate work.

Uses of Straight Router Bits

Straight router bits are incredibly versatile and can be used for a variety of woodworking projects. Some common uses of straight router bits include:

  • Cutting Grooves: Straight router bits are commonly used to cut grooves in wood or other materials. These grooves can be used for decorative purposes or to create channels for cables or other fixtures.
  • Trimming Edges: Straight router bits can also be used to trim the edges of a piece of wood. This is especially useful when creating furniture or other pieces that require precise measurements.
  • Dado Cutting: Dados are a type of joint that is commonly used in woodworking to connect two pieces of wood together. Straight router bits can be used to cut the dado joint, ensuring a precise and secure fit.
  • Inlay Work: Straight router bits can also be used for inlay work. This involves cutting a groove in the surface of a piece of wood and then inserting a contrasting material, such as a different type of wood or even metal.

Types of Straight Router Bits

Straight router bits come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The most common types of straight router bits include:Types of Straight Router Bits

  • Standard Straight Bits: These are the most common type of straight router bit. They are available in a variety of sizes and are suitable for general purpose cutting.
  • Mortising Bits: Mortising bits are designed specifically for cutting mortises. They typically have a square or rectangular cutting edge and are available in a variety of sizes.
  • Edge Trimming Bits: Edge trimming bits are used to trim the edges of a piece of wood. They are available in both single and double fluted designs.
  • Dado Bits: Dado bits are used to cut the dado joint. They typically have two cutting edges and are available in a variety of sizes.
  • Inlay Bits: Inlay bits are designed specifically for inlay work. They typically have a flat bottom and a small cutting edge.

Materials Used in Straight Router Bits

Straight router bits are made from a variety of materials, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The most common materials used in straight router bits include:

  • High-Speed Steel (HSS): HSS is a durable and versatile material that is commonly used in straight router bits. It is capable of cutting through a wide range of materials, including wood, plastic, and metal.
  • Carbide-Tipped: Carbide-tipped router bits are made from a combination of high-speed steel and carbide. They are incredibly durable and are capable of cutting through tough materials, such as hardwoods and metals.
  • Solid Carbide: Solid carbide router bits are made entirely from carbide. They are the most durable type of router bit and are capable of cutting through even the toughest materials.

Maintenance of Straight Router Bits

To ensure the longevity and performance of your straight router bits, it is important to maintain them properly. Some tips for maintaining your straight router bits include:

  • Keep Them Clean: After each use, be sure to clean your router bits thoroughly with a soft brush or cloth to remove any debris or buildup. This will prevent the buildup of resin, which can cause the bits to become dull and ineffective over time.
  • Store Them Properly: When not in use, store your straight router bits in a dry, cool place where they won't be exposed to moisture or extreme temperatures. This will prevent rust and corrosion, which can damage the bits and affect their performance.
  • Sharpen Them Regularly: Over time, router bits can become dull, which can affect their performance and the quality of the cut. Sharpen your straight router bits regularly to maintain their sharpness and ensure that they are cutting effectively.
  • Use Them Properly: Always use your straight router bits according to the manufacturer's instructions. This will ensure that you are using them in the most effective and safe manner possible.


Straight router bits(Check Out on are an essential tool for any woodworker. They are incredibly versatile and can be used for a variety of cutting tasks, from grooving and trimming to inlay work and dado cutting. With the right maintenance and care, your straight router bits can last for years and provide you with a high level of performance and precision. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced woodworker, investing in a quality set of straight router bits is a smart decision that will pay off in the long run.

Angad & Gwalior Founder of Kremy Kraft